

Toltecnology is an elite, private, one-on-one experience designed exclusively for you, the individual. These private sessions delve into your karmic imprints, emotional wounds, and traumas, revealing how they manifest suffering in your present life experience. They empower you to reclaim and find greater intimacy with yourself, the divine creator.

In this private experience, I seamlessly blend modern and ancient modalities, what I call my -medicine bag- to dig deep into your subconscious programming and illuminate the root and initial events causing you to suffer.

Your subconscious was formed by the time you were seven years old. It has been shown that it runs 95% of your day, making decisions several seconds before you act on them. Most subconscious programming is “noise” amplified by our attachment to external references.

I consult my intuition to guide me in identifying what noise (*mitote) you may have embodied that is disempowering you, or what mitote may be keeping you disembodied and causing your suffering. I then create a compassionate space, allowing you to surrender to your wounded aspects and karmic imprints that are ready to be integrated.

In witnessing, I hold an energetic container as you integrate the new programming you are ready, willing, and able to receive. This allows you to attract a new, felt experience of inner peace and fulfillment in your life.

This miraculous process assists you in surrendering your suffering and creates instantaneous shifts in your well-being, offering you a new, integrated, and lived experience.

If you are looking for a quick fix or to be rescued from your suffering, you are not ready for this type of work. These sessions require a deep commitment to self. I am here to walk in presence with you and bear witness to your inner transmutation.

These sessions will have a profound effect on your

  • Physical health
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Clearing and integration of past traumas
  • Ability to manifest money and abundance
  • Loving yourself, life, and finding true love

*Mitote is the ancient Mexican Nahuatl Indigenous word for the incessant chatter, the “noise” of a thousand voices in the mind, that keeps us occupied within the illusion of separation and suffering. When we realize we are the host of this chatter and the one choosing our favorite parasite, we surrender being the host to this parasitic dynamic, and we embody the divine nature of who we are.